-A new and stiffer promotion policy for 2005-06
The District promises to review and get public input before implementing a long-term policy. The new policy specifies that students in grades 2-8 who score in the bottom quarter nationally on the TerraNova standardized test will be required to complete 120 extra hours of remedial instruction after school and in summer school and also pass a summer school exam to be promoted to the next grade. An estimated 30,000 students are affected by this new requirement. In addition, students who score below the national norm on the TerraNova will be encouraged but not required to attend the 120 extra hours of instruction.
-Changes in TerraNova testing
The TerraNova reading and math exams are being switched from the spring to October for grades 3-8, with the results used to trigger the mandated extra instruction, which begins in January. The District will also start to administer portions of the TerraNova test that require written responses. Grades 1, 2, 9 and 10 will continue to be tested in the spring (Next spring’s PSSA testing will cover grades 3-8 and 11).
-Thomas Durham School property authorized for sale
The former elementary school at 16th and Lombard Streets closed in 2003 due to low enrollment. As determined by District staff to have no future use, the property will be listed through December 2005 with Allan Domb. Final sale must be presented for approval. SRC member Sandra Dungee Glenn pushed for an option to drop sales plans in the event that an upcoming master plan for school construction being developed for the SRC suggests a need for a school building in the area.
-Commission-based contract with Premiere Sports Marketing for Super Site sponsorships
Premiere will secure advertising and sponsorships for new “athletic super sites,” state-of-the-art stadiums shared among schools in a region. The one-year contract, through August 1, 2006, provides a 20 percent commission to Premiere. Sponsorship funds will be used for maintenance and upkeep of five super sites, two of which (Northeast and Germantown) have re-opened after major improvements.
-$20.5 million from operating budget/capital fund/categorical/grant fund to SchoolNet
SchoolNet will continue to provide teachers and administrators with online access to student data and instructional tools, will implement web-based teacher professional development, and will provide benchmark testing services and support by SchoolNet subcontractors Princeton Review through 2007. The newest addition, known as “Familynet” and in implementation this school year, gives parents online access to student information such as attendance, grades, benchmark test results, and standardized test scores.
-$175,000 from operating budget for settlement in Matthew Gremo case
Settlement to be paid to Matthew Gremo, a former student who was the victim of a November 2001 assault at George Washington High School.
-$210,000 Categorical/Grant Fund acceptance from Pennsylvania Department of Education; $59,000 contact with Eastern University for Lamberton High School
Project 720 grant from the state runs through June 30, 2008, to support efforts to establish Lamberton as an Early College High School. Eastern will provide curriculum development and teacher professional development, in connection with the Early College initiative, which, beginning in fall 2006, will allow Lamberton students to earn up to two years of college credit while in high school. Contracts for educational services between the District and K12, Inc., Drexel, Chestnut Hill College, West Chester University, Rosemont College, St. Joseph’s, Lincoln, University of the Arts, Arcadia, Holy Family, LaSalle, and Academy of the Natural Sciences were also ratified.